One stop professional exam preparation mobile app
Preparing for professional exams made easier with this highly versatile yet easy to understand mobile app, that swayed the hearts of young professionals helping them excel in their examinations. Ranking among top exam preparation apps LIFEE is simple and easy to understand and has redefined exam preparation for students.

Beauty and elegance, both in product and in mobile application
MACOCO is an ecommerce mobile app that provides natural cosmetics products to women across the globe. With number of filter and sorting options you can easily look for what you want.As dramatic as the products that are sold online, the mobile application makes the entire cosmetic shopping experience enjoyable.

GVC services
Easy travel booking and enjoyable stays on your finger tips
GVC services mobile application is an answer to convenient and easy Travel booking, whenever you want. Plan a vacation or travel on the go, you are just few clicks away from your destination using the new, interesting and simple mobile application.GVC services mobile application is designed to become your preferred mobile app for all travel, tour or stay bookings.